Pastor's Blog (Page 3)

A variety of articles will be posted here. Civil comments and conversation from members and visitors are welcome. Coarse or profane posts will not be posted. Scroll down for the full listing of blog posts. But first, a series of posts.

Proven of interest to many, a series of various posts on the popular yet highly unsound theology of the rapture can be read here. In my early Christian faith, I had been immersed in this belief system. After getting to know the Bible deeply, I was able to look beyond what I had been told and realize it wasn’t taught in the Scriptures. Here are the six main posts that build upon each other, with four more that expand on related topics. 

  1. The Rapture: A Belief Forced Upon the Bible

  2. The Rapture: Not Developed from Careful Bible Study

  3. The Rapture: Not in the Favorite Thessalonian Proof Verses

  4. The Rapture Belief: A Few More Passages to Consider

  5. The Rapture: Left Behind? Good or Bad?

  6. As Did Darby, So Do Rapture Believers

  7. A Secular Peace Treaty in Daniel 9:27 – Really?

  8. Problems with a 1000 Earthly Reign of Christ

  9. When is a Wall Not a Wall?

10. About 360-Day Prophetic Years

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The Rapture Belief (2) – Not Developed from Careful Bible Study

Much of American Evangelical Christianity embraces some form of a “rapture” theology. The “rapture is a “secret” removal of all Christians from earth usually placed by such theologies as just prior to 7 years of terrible judgments and tribulation on earth. In the “rapture”, Christians suddenly disappear and leave unbelievers behind. A multitude of scenarios are proposed. My main concept for today’s post is that the biblical, singular, second advent of Jesus at the end of the age is wrongly…

The Rapture (1) – A Belief Forced Upon the Bible

The teachings of the Bible and the overwhelming testimony of the church of all ages, in accordance with the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds teach one, and only one return of Jesus/resurrection of the saints. First, I do not claim or suggest that someone who believes in the rapture is not saved. If one trusts in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus to atone for their sins and grant new life now and eternal life to follow, mistakes in understanding…

Easter Eggs? NOT Pagan but from Jewish-Christian Historic Belief and Practice

Early Christians did not import the use of eggs on Easter morning from pagan sources. Some try to say so, but either they do not know or chose to ignore solid historical background facts. Of the faith traditions that contribute to Easter eggs, three are most important. 1) Beginning in AD 70, after the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, the egg became one of the six food items on a Passover meal plate. The egg was added to…

Easter Certainly is NOT a Pagan Day

Below is largely from an older April congregational newsletter, reprinted for ease of access and with added clarity for outside readers. From the Pastor It seems that every Christmas and Easter, many media sources publish articles that discredit or directly contradict the Bible and Christian faith. Probably, we will see a few this April as well. Sadly, even some churches deny the validity of Easter as a holy day to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, even calling it a “pagan” holiday based…

Missions, a part of Christian life, a part of our parish life

As I write this quick posting, both of the congregations in our parish have members serving the mission work in Haiti. This past Sunday, Zion’s Sunday school Egg Bake, along with donations from the ZELW ladies and others raised enough money to send Cindy along with Dr. Bergstrom (Fargo based opthamologist with local office) and others to help poverty stricken people with various eyesight problems. From St. John’s, Lori went to Haiti a bit earlier and is teaching music, especially…

A 7-Year secular peace treaty in Daniel 9:27. Really?

Premillennialism is a popular framework of biblical interpretation that some believe correctly predicts key events of the last days. It incorporates a lot of bible passages and to the mind wrongly, or insufficiently trained in the bible, can sound very learned, exciting, and correct. I spent my early Christian years in such theology, took college level classes, and did extensive reading in this system. As I grew in the Scriptures, I found the system to be misleading in its claims…

Regular Worship – More Than a Priority

(This article was first posted in my prior congregation site in September, 2016.)   A few weeks back the Pew Research group released a study that has a mixture of good and bad news as well as a basic truth we in the church should never forget. [] First, the basic truth we should remember.  The research affirmed that belief brings people to church. While a church may offer and provide other positive incentives and context for making worship inviting…

The Joy of God’s Word

(This article was first posted at my prior congregation in February 2016.) Sweet as honey…..In Psalm 119:103 we read: “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” So far, so good. And to those who have been redeemed of the Lord, we find that His Word, recorded in the Bible is indeed sweet. We read it. We hear it. We meditate upon it. By God’s grace we seek to let it form our lives,…

Music … the Bible and some thoughts…

(This article was first posted at my prior congregation in September, 2016.) What does the Bible have to say about music? Quite a bit. You might look some of the passages up when you get a chance. In the Psalms, which were songs of worship we find the use of pretty much every musical instrument common in those days. Tastefully, no doubt. With a respectful attitude of worship and heartfelt praise. Yet quite a variety of instruments were named there…