Parish News and Mission

As Did Darby, So Do Rapture Believers (6)

Years ago, when I took Bible college courses endorsing this subject and read many books by rather well-known Pre-millennialist teachers, I do not remember any one of them even once acknowledging their theological debt owed to Rev. John Nelson Darby, the man who brought the rapture belief into the visible church, widely taught it, and whose basic system of bible interpretation gives form to the many variations of rapture/tribulation theology we find today. Either they didn’t know, which for many…

Missions, a part of Christian life, a part of our parish life

As I write this quick posting, both of the congregations in our parish have members serving the mission work in Haiti. This past Sunday, Zion’s Sunday school Egg Bake, along with donations from the ZELW ladies and others raised enough money to send Cindy along with Dr. Bergstrom (Fargo based opthamologist with local office) and others to help poverty stricken people with various eyesight problems. From St. John’s, Lori went to Haiti a bit earlier and is teaching music, especially…